Osmosis Investment Strategies

All our strategies target superior risk-adjusted returns and benefit from significantly reduced environmental footprints relative to their benchmarks
Investment Strategy Customisation

Through the integration of the MoRE factor into our portfolio construction process we also manage a range of style and regionally targeted portfolios. These investment strategies are delivered through separately managed accounts and sub-advisory relationships. All strategies target an improved return profile relative to the benchmark while delivering significantly reduced environmental footprints.

Investment Strategies​

Osmosis has worked with a broad range of investors utilising our proprietary Resource Efficiency factor to deliver customised portfolios to meet particular investment objectives. These range from style exposures, regional exposures, faith-based overlays or ethical screens. Furthermore, strategies have been constructed to meet the requirements of trusts and sovereign wealth funds which benefit from domestic and international tax regulations.



Resource Efficient International ADR

The Osmosis Resource Efficient ADR Strategy is designed to outperform the MSCI EAFE Index by systematically selecting the most Resource Efficient companies across 34 industry sectors. Only stocks with an ADR and a positive Resource Efficiency score are eligible for selection. The portfolio excludes tobacco, financials, REITs and any companies that breach the UN Global Compact’s social and governance safeguards. The strategy demonstrates significantly less ownership of Carbon, Water and Waste than the respective benchmark.

Style Category: Large Cap Blend


Resource Efficient Europe

The Osmosis Resource Efficient Europe Strategy is designed to outperform the MSCI Europe Index by systematically selecting the most Resource Efficient companies across 34 industry sectors. The portfolio excludes tobacco, financials, REITs and any companies that breach the UN Global Compact’s social and governance safeguards. The strategy demonstrates significantly less ownership of Carbon, Water and Waste than the respective benchmark.

Style Category: Large Cap Blend


Resource Efficient Core Equity (ex Aus)

The Osmosis Resource Efficient Core Equity (ex Aus) Strategy seeks superior risk-adjusted returns by targeting maximum resource efficiency exposure while maintaining a tight tracking error to the MSCI World ex Australia. The strategy excludes tobacco and any companies that breach the UN Global Compact’s social and governance safeguards. The resulting portfolio demonstrates significantly less ownership of Carbon, Water and Waste than the respective benchmark.

Style Category: Large Cap Blend


Resource Efficient Core Equity

The Osmosis Resource Efficient Core Equity Strategy seeks superior risk-adjusted returns by targeting maximum resource efficiency exposure while maintaining a tight tracking error to the MSCI World. The Strategy excludes tobacco and any companies that breach the UN Global Compact’s social and governance safeguards. The resulting portfolio demonstrates significantly less ownership of Carbon, Water and Waste than the respective benchmark.

Style Category: Large Cap Core


Resource Efficient Core Equity (Ex Japan)

The Osmosis Resource Efficient Core Equity (Ex Japan) Strategy seeks superior risk-adjusted returns by targeting maximum resource efficiency exposure while maintaining a tight tracking error to the MSCI Kokusai. The Strategy excludes tobacco and any companies that breach the UN Global Compact’s social and governance safeguards. The resulting portfolio demonstrates significantly less ownership of Carbon, Water and Waste than the respective benchmark.

Style Category: Large Cap Blend


Resource Efficient Low Volatility

The Osmosis Resource Efficient Low Volatility Strategy seeks superior risk-adjusted returns relative to the MSCI World Index, by delivering a minimum variance portfolio of resource efficient stocks. The strategy excludes financials and REITs, tobacco, energy, aerospace & defence and companies that breach the UN Global Compact on social and governance safeguarding. The resulting portfolio demonstrates significantly less ownership of Carbon, Water and Waste than the respective benchmark.

Style Category: Large Cap Low Volatility


Resource Efficient World Equity Model

The Osmosis Resource Efficient World Equity Model Strategy is designed to outperform the MSCI Developed World Index by systematically selecting the most resource efficient (RE) companies across 34 industry sectors. The portfolio excludes tobacco, financials, REITS and any companies that breach the UN Global Compact’s social and governance safeguards. The strategy demonstrates significantly less ownership of Carbon, Water and Waste than the respective benchmark.

Style Category: Large Cap Blend

Launched 19 February 2021

Resource Efficient Core Equity (ex-fossil fuels)

The Osmosis Resource Efficient Core Equity (ex-fossil fuel) Strategy targets maximum resource efficiency exposure while maintaining a tight tracking error to the MSCI World. The strategy excludes companies that generate more than 5% of their revenues from fossil fuels or nuclear power generation, companies with any revenues from nuclear and controversial weapons and civilian firearms, tobacco companies and companies in breach of any of the UN Global Compact Principles. Portfolio seeks to deliver better risk-adjusted returns relative to the benchmark while simultaneously delivering a significant reduction in the ownership of carbon, water and waste.

Style Category: Large cap core


Resource Efficient
World Ex-US

The Osmosis Resource Efficient World ex-US Strategy is designed to outperform the MSCI World ex-US Index by systematically selecting the most Resource Efficient companies across 34 industry sectors. The portfolio excludes tobacco and any companies that breach the UN Global Compact’s social and governance safeguards. The strategy demonstrates significantly less ownership of Carbon, Water and Waste than the respective benchmark.

Style Category: Large Cap Blend

Launched 3 January 2022

Resource Efficient
World (ex-US) Value

The Osmosis Resource Efficient World (ex-US) Value Strategy seeks to identify environmental leaders that trade at a lower price to fundamentals in every sector across the economy. The Strategy is designed to outperform the MSCI ex-US Value Index by systematically selecting those companies that lead their sector peers in Resource Efficiency.  The portfolio excludes tobacco and any companies that breach the UN Global Compact’s social and governance safeguards. The strategy demonstrates significantly less ownership of Carbon, Water and Waste than the respective benchmark.

Style Category: Large cap Blend

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